New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Get your daily dose of Vitamin D with Banana Sandwich Minecraft Server, where we’re not monkeying around! 🍌🥪🐒

Get your daily dose of Vitamin D with Banana Sandwich Minecraft Server, where we’re not monkeying around! 🍌🥪🐒

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Server Age6 weeks old
Server TypeSMP (Survival Multiplayer)
Server Version1.21.1
Server StyleHermitcraft inspired
AddonsMinimal – Playerheads, Armor stand arms, invisible item frames
Player BaseDedicated
EventsFun events
RulesNo griefing, no cheating, etc…

Join the server

Contact plooop on discord to join or join through the discord:


1. How can I join the server?

You can join the server by contacting plooop on Discord or through the provided Discord link above.

2. What addons are available on the server?

The server has minimal addons including Playerheads, Armor stand arms, and invisible item frames.

3. What is the server economy based on?

The server economy is based on diamonds.

4. Are there any specific rules on the server?

Yes, basic rules include no griefing, no cheating, and other common server rules. Make sure to follow them to maintain a friendly and enjoyable environment for all players.

5. What is the average age range of players on the server?

The average age range is lower 20s, but there is a wide range of ages among the player base.

New Minecraft Server
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