New Minecraft Servers

Welcome to NexusDark Lifesteal SMP

We are the only SMP that is straight-forward! You join and you immedietly can start getting loot or teaming up or whatever you’d like!

We have got many plugins that make the gameplay a bit cooler like a Revive plugin. We even have DiscordSRV meaning you can chat with our minecraft members through discord!

Supported Versions

Supported Platform Supported Versions
Bedrock Latest Version
Java 1.8.X to 1.21.X

Daily updates are pushed on the server and we got a very nice community. The server is moderated daily to keep out those pesty old hackers!

So you want to join the server? Sadly due to privacy issues you are required to join our discord server but then you can go to #server-ips and there you go!


Question Answer
Can I join the server without joining the Discord server? No, for privacy reasons, joining our Discord server is required to access the server IP.
What plugins are available on the server? We have plugins like Revive and DiscordSRV among others.
What devices are supported to play on the server? We support all devices, including Nintendo Switch, phone, Xbox, and PC. Bedrock clients must have the latest version, while Java clients are supported from version 1.8.X to 1.21.X.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY