New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview:

FocusHeavy emphasis on movecraft, city building, custom progression, and crafting
Treasure HuntsParticipate in treasure hunts and fishing contests
Siege Capture PointsEarn passive income by capturing siege points


1. How do I join the server?

You can join the server by connecting to the IP:

2. Is there a website for the server?

Yes, you can visit the official website at:

3. Can I join a clan on the server?

If you’re interested in joining a clan, you can add Blackular:3503

4. How can I access the live map of the server?

You can view the live map by visiting:;flat;-77824,64,-18432;0

5. Is there a Discord server for the community?

Yes, you can join the Discord server at:

6. Where can I find more information about progression and crafting?

You can refer to the server’s Wiki for detailed information:

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP