New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

GeodeCraft Minecraft Server Overview

Land ClaimsPlayers can claim land to protect their builds
Custom crate tools, armor and itemsUnique and custom items available through in-game crates
Player ShopsPlayers can create their own shops to trade with others
Player WarpsPlayers can set their own warps for easy teleportation
McMMOLevel up skills and abilities to enhance gameplay
Resource WorldsDifferent worlds for gathering specific resources
Custom Economy pluginUnique economy system for trading and transactions
StackingEntities, spawners, and items can be stacked for convenience



Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join the server?

To join the server, simply use the IP address in your Minecraft client.

Are there any rules on the server?

Yes, we have rules in place to ensure a friendly and positive environment for all players. Make sure to read and abide by the rules posted on our Discord server.

Can I create my own shop on the server?

Yes, players have the ability to create their own shops to trade with others. Use the player shops feature to set up your own shop.

What is the currency used on the server?

We have a custom economy plugin in place with its own currency for transactions and trading.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP