New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Expanding Horizons SMP Overview

Server TypeSemi-vanilla SMP
VersionJava 1.21.4

We are a semi-vanilla SMP running on Java 1.21.4 and Hard difficulty. We are playing on our “forever” survival world with no resets ever!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long has the server been running?We launched on January 4th of this year.
Is the worldborder expanding?Yes, currently 3500 blocks each direction.
What kind of events do you have?We have 1-2 monthly events including UHC matches.
How many players are usually online?We have an average of 5-6 players at all times throughout the day, up to 9-14 during peak times.
What are some of the data packs/plugins on the server?DynMap, SimpleVoiceChat, ImageFrame, CoreProtect, Xisuma’s Vanilla Tweaks.

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