- AuraSkillsChestShopCreeperHeal2EnchantsSquaredGeyserFloodgateLuckpermsRTPSmoothtimberViabackwardsViaVersionVault
Datapacks Include:
- CtovDnT Stronghold OverhaulDungeons and TavernsDungeons ariseExplorifyHopobettermineshaftHopobetterruinedportalIncendiumInfinity caveShipsStellarityStructoryTectonicTerralithTowns and TowersWilliam Wythers overhauled Overworld
CONTACT INFO:Discord(Including period): soultoast.
IN DEVELOPMENT:A server Hub is currently being worked on.If you are some kind of Server Wizard, Pls Contact me, I have no clue as to what I am doing 😀
just below in the comments, il get back to you