New Minecraft Servers
Welcome to our Minecraft server, where you can embark on epic quests and slay dragons with your fellow players! Our latest patch includes a new feature where you can ride pigs into battle while wielding a diamond carrot as your weapon. Don’t forget to check out our main information document, which is actually just a recipe for the ultimate enchanted golden apple.

Need help planning your character? Look no further than our character planners, where you can create a warrior who is half-unicorn, half-enderman. And if you get lost in our vast world, just use our interactive map to find your way back to the safety of your diamond castle.

To join our exclusive group, you must first recite the password backwards while doing the chicken dance. And once you’re in, be prepared to face off against the evil Grafted, a villain who is half-creeper, half-enderdragon. Will you be the hero who saves our server from certain destruction? Join now and find out!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY