New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Dragon Shield: Surviving Without Mods, Just Kidding! Come Ride Dragons on 1.20.x to 1.21!

Dragon Shield: Surviving Without Mods, Just Kidding! Come Ride Dragons on 1.20.x to 1.21!

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Server NameDragon Shield
FeaturesPremium experience without the need for mods, server-sided gameplay, 700+ hours of content, different zones, bosses, custom ore, quests
CommunityActive and wholesome

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to install any mods to play on this server?

A: No, everything is server sided and done through plugins and a resourcepack.

Q: How much content is available on the server?

A: There are over 700 hours of content including different zones, bosses, custom ore, and quests.

Q: Is there a wiki available for more information about the server?

A: Yes, you can visit the server’s wiki at

Q: What is the server IP address?

A: The server IP is

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP