New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Draconicraft SMP Server Overview

Server TypeSemi-vanilla
Age Requirement18+
Server Version1.21

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the world size on Draconicraft SMP?

The world size has a 20k world border limit to allow for ample building and exploring space.

2. Will the world reset with every Minecraft update?

No, the world will expand with each Minecraft update rather than reset, giving players more time to work on their projects.

3. Are there any language restrictions on the server?

English is encouraged for public communication, but players can use any language in voice chat as long as they remain respectful to others.

4. What additional features are available on the server?

Some of the additional features include Datapacks such as Anti Ender Dragon Grief, Multiplayer Sleep, Player Head Drops, and more for Quality of Life improvements.

5. How can I join Draconicraft SMP?

Join the Discord Server and fill out the application form to get whitelisted and start playing on the server.

6. Are there any communication tools available on the server?

The server uses Simple VC for in-game chat and DynMap with LiveAtlas UI for easier orientation in the world.

For more information, visit the Draconicraft Discord Server.

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