Hello every nepali daju bhai we are happy to annouce the best survival server in nepal with lots of fun and compettions
>SPAWN-Amazing spawn with four extra islands.>VIP ZONE-An exclusive place with private access and a private DJ.
>PVP ZONE-Three types of envoys that give you furniture and op items, custom repair systemand custom monsters in the PvP zone.
>CRATESF-our rotating crates that have a loot of pricesclassified with common, rare, legendary.
>KITS PREVIEW-Place where players can preview VIP kit
>JOBS-Twelve custom unlockable user andcustom jobs system and job rewards .
>FARM-Go to our auto-regenerating farm to get some money to finance buying some exclusive weapons or things for you>MINE-Four-level private mine with unlockable GUI, elevator system, monsters per level, epic food, countdown, auto-smelt, and paid access
>DUNGEON-Four-level dungeon with a countdown where you will fight the most powerful mobs in the game to obtain money, experience, parts of custom recipes, and paid acces
dj bar , quests / shop custom recepies and many more