Da Cabre Minecraft Server Overview

A diamond-based economy system for our shopping district near spawn!
A semi-vanilla experience! including datapacks such as; anti-enderman and creeper griefing, powder to block cauldrons, and small tweaks to the biomes.
A kind and mature community enforced by our 15+ rule.
Simple Voice Chat mod allowing you to talk with other players in-game, similar to HermitCraft.
An extensive rules page, going into detail about the rules to prevent mishaps and rule breakers.
Anti-Griefing plugins and performance plugins to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted experience.
Discord-Minecraft link allowing players to communicate through minecraft and discord.
A fresh,new server with many unexplored areas.
A diamond-based achievement system which unlocks items and events.

To join, you will have to be in our discord server and make a request! Add me on discord – Jaylowa and i’ll send you the link.

This server is Java Edition only, and cracked players are NOT welcome.


Question Answer
Is this server only for players in Australia? No, players from other countries are also allowed to join.
Do you have /tp or /spawn commands? No, there is no /tp or /spawn commands on this server.
Are cracked players allowed on the server? No, cracked players are not welcome on this server.
How can I join the server? You will need to be in the discord server and make a request to join.
Can I suggest new features for the server? Yes, you can make suggestions in the discord server.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY