New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

CyberCraft: Where we use our sticks to build, not hit each other! Join our exclusive club today!

CyberCraft: Where we use our sticks to build, not hit each other! Join our exclusive club today!

New Minecraft Servers

CyberCraft Server Overview

Server TypeVanilla SMP
Server StyleHermitcraft style
PluginsMinimum plugins for a Vanilla feel
Player TypeStreamers, hardcore gamers, casual gamers
Season4th season of CyberCraft SMP
Server Start DateFriday, the 28th (upcoming)

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I join the CyberCraft Server?

A: Join the Discord server linked above and fill out an application in the “applications” tab.

Q: What type of players are welcome on CyberCraft Server?

A: Streamers, hardcore gamers, and casual gamers are all welcome on the server.

Q: How often should I play on the server?

A: We are looking for mature applicants who will play at least a couple of times a week.

Q: Is the server starting soon?

A: The goal is to start on Friday, the 28th, so hurry up and join!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP