New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Cupid’s College of Love and Creepers: Wackiness and Mods Galore on Forge 1.16.5 for the 21+

Cupid’s College of Love and Creepers: Wackiness and Mods Galore on Forge 1.16.5 for the 21+

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Set homes, tpa requests, back command, grave command, etc.
Discord server for communication and gaming
Leveling system for tools/armor/weapons+
10+ dimensions to visit
Abundant biomes
Backpacks for loot goblins
Praying to goddess/god for rewards
Farming and cooking features
Supplementaries for builders

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the IP of the server?

A: The IP is

Q: Do I need to be whitelisted to join?

A: Yes, please reach out to the server admin to be whitelisted.

Q: What is the minimum age requirement to join?

A: You should be at least 21+ to join, but exceptions can be made if genuinely interested.

Q: Do I have to build near spawn?

A: No, building near spawn is not required, but it is recommended for easier resource sharing.

Q: How can I join the Discord server?

A: The Discord server link will be provided upon joining the Minecraft server.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP