New Minecraft Servers
Welcome to our totally wacky Minecraft server where things are never as they seem! Want to move your character while pressing buttons? Well, you better be a master at Twister because that’s the only way to make it work here. We believe in pushing your coordination skills to the limit, so if you prefer using a Mouse+Keyboard, we’re sorry to say you might be a little loopy.

But don’t worry, the madness doesn’t stop there. Our server is filled with crazy challenges and obstacles that will have you laughing and crying at the same time. Want to ride a pig off a cliff while juggling TNT? You can do that here (but don’t blame us if things go boom)!

New Minecraft Servers - CraftyControllerz Minecraft Server

So come join us on our wild and wacky Minecraft server for an experience like no other. Just be prepared to have your mind blown and your funny bone tickled in ways you never thought possible. See you in the game…if you dare!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY