Looking for a Minecraft server that’s crazier than the chaos of covid? Look no further! Our server is so wild, it’ll make you forget all about those interstate border closures and dead bodies in the streets. Join us for a virtual escape from the madness of lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates.

We’ve got players sharing their best clips and videos of the insanity of covid, from toilet paper hoarding to Zoom meeting fails. Share your personal anecdotes of how people treated you during the pandemic – whether it’s your neighbor stealing your last roll of TP or your boss forgetting to unmute themselves on a conference call.

New Minecraft Servers - CovidCraft Server: Best Clips

Don’t let Google hide all the crazy stuff that happened during covid – join our server and let’s laugh our way through the madness together! Who needs reality when you’ve got Minecraft?

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY