New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Server TypeClassic-style server
FocusCommunity and quality of life


How do I join the server?

To join the server, simply connect to You can explore the server as a guest, but to gain full access, you need to join the Discord server and fill out a Player Application in the #✅apply channel.

What are some additional features on the server?

  • Pouches and backpacks for inventory management
  • Portal Scrolls for teleportation
  • Custom furniture from Fern’s Furniture
  • Quality of life changes like speed paths and XP from crops
  • Proximity voice chat and Fortnite style pinging mods
  • Weekly rotating resource world and creative world for testing builds
  • No pay-to-win mechanics

Where can I find more information?

You can visit the official website at for rules, map, wiki, modpack, and Discord server link.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP