New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Some important things: Killing people For the first 24 hours from now, it’s not allowed following normal rules, but after 24 hours there are no rules against it. (Farming people nonstop and killing nakeds is frowned upon and I will hunt you down with shadow realm sticks 🥰

The end The end is closed temporarily for the first week , then portals will open at some time when the majority of people can be on, winner takes the egg.

Griefing hacking etc Get banned stay mad

Mods At the moment I will see how we function with current staff team, might open mod/operator apps at a later point if need be

If there’s anything else it will pop up here over the next few days but no pings since I already did quite alot.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP