New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Join us on The Canopy for our 5th Season!


We are a community-focused, Hermitcraft-like server with an emphasis on collaboration. Our average player age is early to mid-20’s. We want you to meet new friends through working together on builds, events, building towns, or getting to know each other in discord! We just reset the map on July 13th, and we won’t reset again until the community calls for it!

We like the atmosphere to be a laid-back, low stress, fun environment. If you enjoying hanging out, joking around and having fun playing Minecraft, this server is perfect for you! Our server is vanilla with a few plugins to help with moderation, and we always welcome feedback and ideas about how we can improve the server.

★ We typically have 50 people online at any given time and host fun events each week!

Server Settings: Hard Mode Survival, 1.21, Vanilla

What We Offer:

  • Soft Border – You will be able to explore to your heart’s content, but everything outside the 8K soft border may be deleted for future content.
  • Semi-Vanilla – This server is running Spigot and we have only added plugins that have NO effect on the vanilla feel. This means no TPA, land protecting or any plugins that alter vanilla mechanics.
  • A Dynamic Map where you can view everyone’s builds in (nearly) real time!
  • NEW HATS – which hosts a variety of custom hats for you to wear!
  • DATAPACKS – Including Armor Stands, Mobhead drops, invisible item frames, and more!
  • Weekly Server Events – Each week we host fun events ranging from UHC to brand-new games!
  • Community Builds – Including a shopping mall, campground, farms and more.

Wanna join us? Checkout us on the server or in Discord


New Minecraft Server
New Server IP