New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Are you tired of moochers taking advantage of your Minecraft resources? Join our server where we don’t tolerate freeloaders like my brother-in-law! He said he just needed “a few months” to save up, but it’s been a year and he hasn’t contributed a single diamond to our community chest. He leaves creepers in our base, doesn’t mine for resources, and just sits around playing mobile games on his enchanted diamond phone. And don’t get me started on his motorcycle rides with his buddies – leaving our wolves to fend for themselves in the Nether! But the final straw was when he let our prized Ender Dragon out and it got hit by a minecart. He had the audacity to say “it wasn’t his fault” and that he’d just spawn us a new one. LOL. So if you’re looking for a server where you won’t have to deal with irresponsible players like my BIL, join us now! Just make sure to lock the gate behind you.

New Minecraft Server
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