Are you tired of the same old boring Minecraft servers where everyone just builds the same old blocky houses and mines for diamonds all day? Well, say goodbye to the normies and join our server where we have chosen flayon over blacks! Why, you ask? Because flayon is the superior color for building epic castles and pixel art that will make your friends green with envy.

But that’s not all! Rumor has it that on our server, if you find the legendary flayon diamond, you will be granted three wishes by the Minecraft gods themselves. Want a pet dragon that shoots fireballs? Done. Want a mansion made entirely of cake? You got it. Want to turn all your enemies into chickens? Consider it done.

New Minecraft Servers - Blocktopia: 'IT'S OVER' - Where Creepers Cry and Diamonds Fly!

So what are you waiting for? Join our server today and witness the end of an era as we embrace the power of flayon over blacks. Trust us, you won’t regret it.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY