New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Blockhead Odyssey SMP Overview

Server TypeJava:
FeaturesTowny Advanced, PyroMining, PyroFishing, PyroFarming, Slimefun, Dungeons, Genetichickengineering, Galactifun
Additional BenefitsVote for Crate Keys, Progress through Ranks, Discord Integration

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I connect to the server using both Java and Bedrock editions?

Yes, our server supports both Java and Bedrock editions. Feel free to connect using either platform.

2. How can I earn crate keys on the server?

By participating in server voting, you can earn valuable crate keys. Use them to unlock special treasures and items.

3. What benefits do I gain from progressing through ranks?

As you rank up, you’ll receive additional permissions and access to player kits that enhance your gameplay experience.

4. Is there a community Discord server for communication?

Yes, we have an integrated chat channel on Discord for players to communicate with each other. Join our Discord community for more interaction and updates.

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