New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview:

Server NameBareBonesMP
DescriptionA Minecraft community focused on classic gameplay and a close-knit community. Hermitcraft-like server feel.
EventsWeekend events, monthly mayor elections
WhitelistingJoin the Discord for whitelist

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How long has the server been online?

A: Over 5 years with 24-7 uptime.

Q: What kind of gameplay does the server offer?

A: Vanilla gameplay with quality of life enhancing plugins.

Q: What are some additional features on the server?

A: Statistic leaderboards, 50% sleep, player/mob heads, armor stand tools, and more tweaks.

Q: Is there lag on the server?

A: Dedicated server with no lag.

Q: Are there community events?

A: Yes, there are community events, giveaways, and more every month.

Q: When was the last map reset?

A: August 5th, 2024.

Q: Are there custom items on the server?

A: Yes, there are custom items like furniture available.

New Minecraft Server
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