New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Server Type2-month-old SMP, whitelisted
Server Version1.21.1 (Hermitcraft inspired)
AddonsMinimal addons: Playerheads, Armor stand arms, invisible item frames
Player BaseDedicated player base + Fun events
EconomyDiamond economy
RulesBasic rules: no griefing, no cheating, etc…

Contact plooop on discord to join or join thru the discord:


Q: How do I join the server?

A: Contact plooop on discord or join through the discord link provided above.

Q: What is the average age range of players on the server?

A: The average age range is lower 20s but we have a wide range of ages.

Q: Are new players welcome?

A: Yes, the server is friendly to new players.

Q: What kind of events are hosted on the server?

A: Fun events are hosted for players to enjoy.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP