New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Banana Sandwich: Where you can eat while you play Minecraft…but don’t forget to bring your own banana costume! 1.21+ | 18+ | Voice chat

Banana Sandwich: Where you can eat while you play Minecraft…but don’t forget to bring your own banana costume! 1.21+ | 18+ | Voice chat

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Server Age6 weeks
Server TypeSMP (Survival Multiplayer)
Server Version1.21.1
AddonsMinimal addons (Playerheads, Armor stand arms, invisible item frames)
Player BaseDedicated player base + Fun events
EconomyDiamond economy
RulesBasic rules: no griefing, no cheating, etc…

Contact plooop on discord to join or join through the discord: Discord Invite

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How can I join the server?

To join the server, you can contact plooop on Discord or join through the Discord server using the provided invite link.

2. What is the average age range of players on the server?

The average age range of players on the server is in the lower 20s, but there is a wide range of ages among the members.

3. Are new players welcome on the server?

Yes, the server is friendly to new players and welcomes them to join the community.

4. What sets this server apart from others?

This server is inspired by Hermitcraft and has a dedicated player base, fun events, and a diamond-based economy.

New Minecraft Server
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