New Minecraft Servers

Baine Junior High School

Baine Junior High School

New Minecraft Servers

About The Server


Server Just launched! So much to see and do on the server.

The server is locally hosted and monitored.

We do nightly updates to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Nightly backups to protect everyone’s builds!

Our main goal on the server is to enjoy ourselves with others who enjoy playing Minecraft!

We do use a few datapacks on the server (listed below) to bring the server together.

Datapacks Used on Server


One person sleep

AFK Displace

Anti Creeper Grief

Back ( /trigger back )

Bat Membranes ( Making bats useful )

Fast Leaf Decay

Home ( /trigger home , /trigger sethome )

Spawn ( /trigger spawn )

Server Rules


Members must be at least 18+ years old.

Members must respect other players and their builds.

Members must both agree to friend pvp,

Members may play FRIENDLY pranks on each other

Members must be apart of our Discord server as well.

Members may Stream and/or record on this server (Though, not required).

Join Our Discord!

New Minecraft Server
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