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New Minecraft Servers

Ashvale RPG

Ashvale RPG

New Minecraft Servers

★-Ashvale RPG-★ [50+ Ranks] [No Whitelist] [Military] [Apocalyptic] [Unique Economy] [Custom Worlds] [Gambling] [SMGs] [Snipers] [Quests] [Bosses]

Old Ashvale, once a prosperous city, now lies in ruins.

It took a few mere hours for the outbreak of the deadly mutational virus dubbed ‘Z-12’ to wipe out half the population. Citizens that managed to escape the death trap fled through the Outskirts and into the wild, to form a settlement now known as New Ashvale.

The able bodied took it upon themselves to create the New Ashvale Military, the first line of defense against the onslaught of the mutation.

Thinking rationally though, the survivors know it’s just a matter of time before they’re struck down next.

As a Trainee in the New Ashvale Military, help the citizens and fight off the mutation to make your way up through the ranks, you might even become a General one day.

Don’t get your hopes up though, there’s over 50 ranks you’ll have to climb before you’re part of the elite.

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