New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

ArdynFall SMP Overview

Server TypeSemi-Vanilla 1.21.4 Minecraft experience
CommunityInclusive and welcoming to all players
Server Age5 months old and still evolving
Server ResetsNo planned resets, build your legacy
Uptime100% uptime with regular backups
Staff TeamFriendly and experienced staff available
EventsExciting server events and competitions
PluginsSelect few plugins for enhanced gameplay
Proximity ChatSupport for Proximity Chat Mod for immersive gameplay


Q: How can I join ArdynFall SMP?

A: Join our Discord server and fill out an application.

Q: Is there a whitelist to join the server?

A: Yes, all players need to be approved before joining.

Q: Are there any age restrictions for joining the server?

A: The server is open to players of all ages, but maturity is expected.

Q: Can I bring my friends to the server?

A: Yes, you can invite your friends to join as well.

Q: Are there any rules or guidelines I need to follow on the server?

A: Yes, there are server rules posted in our Discord server that all players must adhere to.

Q: How often are server events held?

A: Server events are planned regularly, with new events each month.

Q: Can I suggest new ideas for server events or features?

A: Yes, we welcome suggestions from our community members.

Q: Is there a separate creative server available for players?

A: Yes, there is a creative server for testing build ideas and cooperative projects.

New Minecraft Server
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