New Minecraft Servers

Welcome to ArcanusMC!

The moment I thought I had lost all of my hard work was a turning point on the ArcanusMC server. I was peacefully working on my town when suddenly, Jim attacked. TNT landed on my head, and I instantly lost all my stuff. My heart sank as my full netherite gear and sword, treasures I had spent countless hours crafting, vanished in an instant. Worst of all, he killed my dog! I was FURIOUS!

Determined to seek revenge, I started planning my comeback, even though Jim was a Noble. Since this server is based around XP, I made OP mob farms that gave me hundreds of XP per minute. Day by day, I was getting STRONGER! I built towns, more towns, and MORE! I owned so many towns that I had to create large nations across the whole map. My generals managed my entire EMPIRE in different sectors. Jim was quaking in his boots.

Why Join Us?

  • Semi-Vanilla: Enjoy the traditional Minecraft gameplay with minor enhancements.
  • PvP: Engage in thrilling battles and defend your territory.
  • Economy: Trade and build your wealth in our dynamic economy system.

Join us and carve your own path to greatness. Whether you want to build an empire, engage in epic battles, or just enjoy the community, ArcanusMC has a place for you.

Server Address:

Become a king like me and join ArcanusMC today!


Question Answer
Is griefing allowed on the server? No, griefing is strictly prohibited on ArcanusMC.
Are there any specific rules for PvP battles? Players must agree to PvP before engaging in battles. No spawn camping or excessive targeting is allowed.
How can I join a town or nation? You can either create your own town or join an existing one. Nations are formed by alliances of towns.
Is there a way to earn XP other than mob farms? Players can earn XP through various activities, such as mining, crafting, and completing quests.

New Minecraft Server
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