Absolute Network
Just a heads up before you keep reading: This server is in OPEN BETA. Expect lots of bugs. You’ll be sent to "The Void" (limbo server) and get instructions on how to get whitelisted. No whitelist forever, but for now, it keeps bots out. Wait in the void, hit up BlueSky, or email support to get whitelisted (info in the void).
For the past year, they’ve been working on this server on and off. It’s finally ready for everyone. They’ve added lots of cool stuff and changed game mechanics. Some things they’ve done include…
- Skills / Get XP for each category to unlock rewards/abilities.
- Money system / Earned by leveling skills, farming, selling items, and trading with players. You can even buy ranks with it, no real money needed.
- Custom Items / Not many yet, but some spell books and custom weapons. More coming soon!
- Seasons / Change over time, affecting weather, grass color, and your temperature.
- Temperature system: Get hot or cold. Use fire or armor to warm up, soul fire or water to cool down.
- Pets / Tame almost any entity by hitting it with a lead. Take them with you everywhere.
- Player Bag (/bag) / Menu with QOL features, unlockables like portable storage and tables.
- World Browser & Worlds / Server selector with survival worlds, each with unique features like custom monsters.
- Claims (/claim) / Protect your stuff from anything. Trust friends with your claims.
And if you’re not into any of that, no worries! The base game is still fully playable.