New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Penumbralcraft Minecraft Server

Server Information
Server IP:
Modpack: CurseForge
Worldborder: 10k x 10k
TPS: 20


Step into a world of shadowy landscapes and calculated conflict. Penumbralcraft offers an immersive experience for players who enjoy atmospheric environments and the challenges of survival and PvP.

Explore Eldritch Biomes, engage in strategic PvP, build impenetrable fortresses, and immerse yourself in the ambiance. Unleash your creativity and thrive in this unique Minecraft server.


Is griefing allowed on the server?

No, griefing is not allowed. However, combat and stealing are allowed during gameplay.

What is the worldborder size?

The worldborder is set at 10k x 10k, with a pre-generated map that expands every day.

What modpack does the server use?

The server uses the CurseForge modpack for Minecraft version 1.20.1.

How can I join the server?

You can join the server by using the IP address: or join our Discord server:

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP