New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Get Saucy at Sambal Summit! A Spicy Server with BMC3-Fabric and Discord Fun 1.21!

Get Saucy at Sambal Summit! A Spicy Server with BMC3-Fabric and Discord Fun 1.21!

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview:

Discord link:Join Discord

I’ve recently been getting back into Minecraft and I strongly believe that Minecraft is a game that’s best played with friends! I been playing solo for a while and at times the world feels really lonely, so having other living players I the world would be really nice 😀

I’ve currently made a 24/7 minecraft server and have tried to convince my friends to come join, but the the vast majority of them are pretty uninterested in playing Minecraft. So now I invite those who are interested to come join! The server is far from vanilla though as it uses the Better Minecraft 3 (fabric) mod pack, so hardcore vanilla enjoyers might find it “weird” for a lack of a better term. PVP is also turned off, since I believe that Minecraft is better to play as an adventure type game then a block-Rust pvp game. The mod pack also brings a lot of QOL features such as maps, claims and waystones! All of the features that make playing Minecraft less tedious while not taking away from the core gameplay

For now, there’s 5 active players on the server including me and most of them are 18+ so we’d like more players of this age group as some of our topics might be unfitting for younger audiences. Currently I’m running it on a dedicated desktop acting as the server, located in the SEA region. Although it’s not restricted to SEA players, ping to the server might be a bit horrendous outside the area (200+ ping). If you don’t mind that, then you are more than welcomed to join, we welcome all types of players from all over the world!

Come on in and join the discord server! It’s pretty barebones though, but I do intend to flesh it out more

See you on the server!

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions:

Is the server always online?Yes, the server is 24/7.
Is PvP enabled on the server?No, PvP is turned off on the server.
What mod pack does the server use?The server uses the Better Minecraft 3 (fabric) mod pack.
Are there any age restrictions to join the server?Players 18+ are preferred due to discussions possibly being unfit for younger audiences.
Where is the server located?The server is located in the SEA region.

New Minecraft Server
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