New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Welcome to “Harvey’s Custom Modded Whitespace Adventure!”

Welcome to “Harvey’s Custom Modded Whitespace Adventure!”

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Server NameFair Realm
AdminFair admin
Mod PackBetter Bedrock Mod Pack
Active Players3 or 4
Realm CodevCqKdQMN_Pw


Q: How often does the admin play?

A: The admin plays relatively often.

Q: Are there any rules against cheating or hacking?

A: There is no cheating, admin abuse, or hacking allowed on the server.

Q: What does the Better Bedrock Mod Pack add to the game?

A: The Better Bedrock Mod Pack adds new biomes, armor, weapons, structures, and mobs to the game.

Q: Can I join even if there are only a few active players?

A: Yes, your presence would be appreciated even if the server is fairly empty at the moment.

New Minecraft Server
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