New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Server NameBrennyn Sabar Minecraft Server
Custom DatapackFoundation Datapack
Server LocationNew Jersey
Server Version1.20.6 (will update to 1.21 soon)
Server ModsFabric with Simple Voice Chat, SquareMap, No Chat Reports


1. What is the highlight of the server?

Foundation Datapack adds quality-of-life improvements, new items, biomes, and dimensions.

2. What are the server rules?

Basic rules apply – no stealing, hacking, bullying, etc.

3. Can anyone apply to join the server?

Applications are open for anyone age 18 or older.

4. Is using voice chat required?

Using voice chat is recommended but not required.

5. How can I apply to join the server?

You can apply on the website at

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP