New Minecraft Servers
Hey there, fellow gamers! Are you ready for the ultimate Minecraft adventure? Well, look no further because our server is like a 50x+ moonshot via Ron Paul Coin! That’s right, this gem launched in April and has been skyrocketing straight up to 120k mc! And get this, it’s hardly impacted by halving or war fud – it’s holding strong above 100k with no major dumps for weeks!

But wait, there’s more! The dev has been involved with the OG RPC project for years, is still active, AND is white (because that’s important, apparently). With 4,200,000 circulation, liquidity locked for 10 YEARS, and a renounced contract, this server is as legit as it gets.

Oh, and did I mention the top wallet is reserved for airdrop redeems to OG RPC holders? Plus, there’s a third wallet for development, marketing, and charity. And get ready for collabs and advertising campaigns on the horizon!

This server is an easy 10M+ mc gem, and we’re taking off to the moon! So hop on board, join the TG, and let’s have a blast on this wild ride together! See you on the moon, gamers! 🚀🌙 #MinecraftMadness

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY