Astros Reach: Where blocks get lost and players find friends! Join now and explore the 1.20.4 wonders!

Astros Reach: Where blocks get lost and players find friends! Join now and explore the 1.20.4 wonders!

Overview of Astros Reach Minecraft Server

Features Description
Long-term vanilla world Regularly maintained and expanded by players
Free community-use creative world Available for all members to use
Weekly and monthly events Organized for server community
Helpful community Players and staff provide support and guidance
Staff care for player experience Dedicated to making every player feel welcome


Q: How do I join Astros Reach?

A: Join our Discord and fill out a short application. Must be 18+ years old.

Q: What version is the server running?

A: Server Version 1.20.4

Q: Are there any world borders?

A: No world border on the server

Q: What mods or datapacks are used on the vanilla world?

A: Various recipe add-ons for enhanced vanilla experience, along with Fabric for game optimization and cosmetic features

Q: What hardware does the server run on?

A: High-end, lag-free hardware (Ryzen 9 5950X, 10GB DDR4)

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