Server Overview
Hey all Minecraft fans! Get ready to dive into a world full of mystery, strategic gameplay, and endless exploration on our exclusive server. Imagine a huge Earth map from 1 to 500, offering plenty of chances for teamwork and competition. Here, alliances are formed through diplomacy and broken by deceit. Massive battles EXPLODE in the middle east, shaping the intriguing history of our server. Our community is lively and buzzing, usually having a few people online. Whether you’re a pro or a noob, you’ll feel right at home here. Our rules are fair and simple, creating a space where nations can thrive without constraints (besides the small ruleset).


Question Answer
Can anyone join the server? Yes, our server is open to all Minecraft players.
Are there any specific rules to follow? Yes, we have a small ruleset that all players must adhere to in order to create a fair and enjoyable gaming environment.
How can I join the server’s Discord community? You can join our Discord community by clicking on the provided link: Be sure to mention that Mango invited you!
What kind of gameplay can I expect on the server? Our server offers a mix of mystery, strategic gameplay, and endless exploration. Players can form alliances, engage in battles, and shape the history of the server.
Is the server protected against DDoS attacks? Yes, we have 1+ Tbps DDoS protection in place to ensure a secure gaming experience for all players.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY