Welcome to NightHaven
New world started: March 22
What makes us stand out:
🏡 Semi-Vanilla Simplicity
🛠️ Inspired Innovation
🫶 Strong Community Focus
👥 Dedicated Staff Team
Check out what our players have been up to:
Player Highlights Video
Join our Discord:
NightHaven Discord

Questions & Answers:

1. What is the age requirement for players on NightHaven?

Players on NightHaven must be 18 years or older.

2. What is the server started on?

The server started a new world on March 22.

3. What are some of the highlights of NightHaven’s community?

NightHaven has a strong focus on fostering a welcoming and inclusive community where every player feels valued and respected. The dedicated staff team is always willing to assist players and ensure everyone has a positive experience.

4. Can players use mods on NightHaven?

NightHaven offers a semi-vanilla experience with some quality of life mods added. Players can enjoy the purity of the game with added features to enhance their gameplay experience.

5. How can I join NightHaven?

To join NightHaven, connect to the server and become part of a vibrant community that celebrates creativity, friendship, and the joy of Minecraft. Additionally, you can join the NightHaven Discord for further communication and community engagement.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY