Marthia Nations
From the fall of the Marthian Empire, a new chapter begins for a longtime community…
Big chances are here as the homeland is without a united rule for the first time. New nations are popping up all over, from icy north to sandy south. Will YOU guide the empire back together in the Moonfyre Sea?
After the Empire crumbled, Marthia’s industries woke up from the competition. Big fleets are being built to guard the coasts. Tanks are changing ground battles, fighter-jets and airships rule the skies, and some are pushing the limits of what’s possible…
Marthia Nations uses Movecraft, with cool craft-types for players to make! With the updated Cannons plugin by Vaan1310 & Intybyte, the seas and skies are war zones, with fights on land needing cannons, treads, swords, and shields.