New Minecraft Servers

๐Ÿš€ Straight Up ๐Ÿš€ Anarchy SMP 1.20.6 – Five Year Party – No Map Amnesia

๐Ÿš€ Straight Up ๐Ÿš€ Anarchy SMP 1.20.6 – Five Year Party – No Map Amnesia

Server IP: StraightUp.Minecraft.Best

Located in Dallas, USA

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About Straight Up:

Founded April, 2019, Straight Up is a small, “run from home” style anarchy server, intended to create a laid-back survival experience that is as close to vanilla as possible.

[🧨] PvP and griefing permitted. No land claims or land protect.

[💻] Stable server performance.

[🌎] No world resets. Ever. Many servers boast this, but few have stuck around as long as we have.

[🍪] Minor quality of life changes to empower greater player freedom. Kill players to obtain their head. Eat a cookie to stop phantoms from spawning without moving your bed.

[‼️] Unobtrusive but effective anticheat to put vanilla players on a fair footing and maintain server performance.

[🚫] No /tpa, no /warp, no /home. No currency, factions, or econo-shit plugins that ruin the vanilla experience. Just Straight Up survival Minecraft. The way Minecraft was meant to be played.


Question Answer
Can I claim land on this server? No, land claims are not permitted on Straight Up. It’s an anarchy server.
Is PvP allowed? Yes, PvP and griefing are allowed on the server.
Are there any world resets? No, there are no world resets on the server. The world stays as it is.
What changes have been made to the vanilla Minecraft experience? Minor quality of life changes have been implemented to empower player freedom, such as being able to obtain player heads by killing them and stopping phantoms from spawning by eating a cookie without moving your bed.
Are there any special plugins on the server? There are no special plugins like currency, factions, or economy-related plugins. The focus is on providing a straight up survival experience.

New Minecraft Server
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