New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Server Features
Rules & Expectations
  • Must be at least 16 years old
  • Preferred to have Simple Voice Chat mod
  • Be civil and have common sense
  • Must have discord account to join the server
  • Show respect to others at all times both in-game and on voice-chat
  • View more detailed guidelines and our rules in our Discord
Additional Info
  • All mods are allowed as long as they don’t disrupt the vanilla aspect
  • Obtain exclusive items through events on the server
  • This is a friendly server, Builders are welcomed in open arms
  • This server is exclusive to version 1.21.4 and runs on Simple Voice Chat (Proximity Chat)
Apply Now Discord Link


Q: Can I join the server if I’m under 16 years old?

A: No, the minimum age requirement to join our server is 16 years old.

Q: Do I need to have the Simple Voice Chat mod to join?

A: It is preferred that you have the Simple Voice Chat mod for better communication.

Q: Are all mods allowed on the server?

A: All mods are allowed as long as they do not disrupt the vanilla aspect of the game.

Q: How can I obtain exclusive items on the server?

A: You can obtain exclusive items through events and competitions held on the server.

Q: Is the server always lag-free?

A: Yes, you can expect 20 TPS 24/7 on our server for a lag-free experience.

Q: Can I apply to join the server through Discord?

A: Yes, you can apply to join the server through the Discord link provided above.

New Minecraft Server
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