New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

❤️ SHADOW ⭐ HITECH 1.7.10 ⚡ WIP 22.12 Minecraft server


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New Minecraft Servers

⭐ Free HD skins and HD capes for all players!

⭐ Cases for voting!

Opportunity to purchase privileges without donating!

Minimum of prohibited things!

⭐ Self-written mods!

⭐ No premium items!

⭐ European hosting without lags!

⭐ High online and responsive technical support!

⚡ Hitech 1.7.10 is an industrial server on which the main task is to extract resources and automate their processing. Over time, mining tools will become more powerful, and more and more improved processing methods and different variations of energy extraction, different ways of obtaining resources, and multiple development paths will be subject to.


Industrial Craft 2 ExperimentalAdvanced Solar PanelsAE2 StuffAFSUApplied Energistics 2BiblioCraftBinnie’s ModsBotanyBuild CraftCarpenter’s BlocksCaseReloadChiselCompact SolarsComputronicsCustom NPCsDraconic EvolutionDragon Radio ModEnder IOExtra Cells 2ForestryForgeMicroblocksGeneticsGliby Voice ChatGraviation SuiteHatsIC2 Backpack HUDIndustrial Craft 2 LegacyIron ChestsJourney MapMinefactory ReloadedMouse TweaksNot Enough ItemsNuclear ControlOpen BlocksOpen ComputersOpenPeripheralAddonOpenSecurityPower UtilsProject RedStatus Effect HUDThermal ExpansionWailazTones[MCS] Dwarven City[MCS] Dwarven EnergisticsDwarven Cosmetics

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